Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010


.. or whatever comes when school is finished.

That's me with my prom dress which I sewed by myself. I guess, I was one of the few girls with long dresses - and with white dresses. But all in all nobody was really over - or underdressed.

But unfortunately I had so cruel belly-ache and so I did not went to the 'after-party' but in my bed.

And now. Never ever school for me <3


Montag, 7. Juni 2010


What a sad world we're living in. Why do people make war?! Why?! Is there any good thing on war??! NOOO, for hell no!

And the sad thing is, how can we stop that fucking thing?? How can I do something against it on my own?! On my little girlish own?! :(

I want a war-free world - and if it's just for some counted time. I can't stand war anymore, although I'm living in a safe country. (but nevertheless, it can coem to allof us :( )

I can't stand that sad news on screen or the newspapers anymore, I want the world to be safe - for all of us. As soon as possible. Therefore I would forgo on a safe money system. Why is the bank crisis much more 'important' than war/ peace?! I don't get this fucking point. I don't get it.